If you are ever in a slump of what to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner with a healthy snack or two in between Pinterest is your go-to website. It has absolutely every dietary recipe you could ever think of! Before I found Pinterest, I was having difficulties finding tasty meals and snacks that were on a low carbohydrate meal plan. I have found weeks’ worth of great recipes to keep my taste buds satisfied with 20 grams or lower a day of carbohydrates since using Pinterest.
This is the time of year for weddings. The bride and/or groom tend to be consumed with every bit of food that goes into their mouth in order to look perfect in their beautiful bridal gown and tuxedo. Once the joyous day has ended the honeymoon begins. Whether it’s buffets, tasty drinks and lots and lots of dessert trays, don’t be surprised that all of the pre-wedding dieting and exercising has gone down the tubes...
...Food can easily become a way to avoid feelings we don't want to have. When it comes to food and the grieving process there are things that can help make the acceptance much easier to handle...
Most of us have experienced a time of emotional eating whether it's been because of work, family or a bad break-up. Knowing the signs and how to deal with those emotions can be a powerful tool not only for weight loss but in your every day life.